Preskool Admin Template

FAQ List

ID Questions Answers Category Action
Q354869 How do I reset my password? How do I reset my password? Account
Q354868 How do I update my contact information? You can update your contact information in the "My Account" Account
Q354867 How can I contact the IT support team? Contact support via email at [email protected] Support
Q354866 Where can I find information about school events? Information is available on the website's Events page Events
Q354865 How do I access online learning resources? Access resources through the school's LMS Academic
Q354864 Where can I find information about school fees? Information is available on the Fees & Payments page Finance
Q354863 How do I register for extracurricular activities? Register through the school portal's Extracurriculars section. Academic
Q354862 Can I volunteer at the school? Yes, volunteering opportunities are available at the school. General
Q354861 What are the school's hours of operation? School hours vary by department and are typically posted Academic
Q354860 How can I request a tour of the school campus? Contact the admissions office to schedule a tour with a staff General